I've now taken offline the posts that Alan objected to and so I can get back to blogging! Nice to be back - I've missed it.
Had a lovely weekend with my girls - both Megan and I were full of cold and my sinuses are playing up but we managed and enjoyed each others company a lot. Next week the girls are here all week for their summer holidays - can't wait.
Been sober for 9 days now - one day at a time, and going to AA at least twice a week probably more.
Missed a setting and couldn't work out why no one could see my blog, but hopefully there now!!
Had a lovely weekend with my girls - both Megan and I were full of cold and my sinuses are playing up but we managed and enjoyed each others company a lot. Next week the girls are here all week for their summer holidays - can't wait.
Been sober for 9 days now - one day at a time, and going to AA at least twice a week probably more.
Missed a setting and couldn't work out why no one could see my blog, but hopefully there now!!
no idea who you are , but i knew roowlant it don't matter good luck with beating that enemy called alcohol
it is no longer your friend it is your foe.
if a silly twat like me can do it , then sure as hell you can.
now don't give up now. or this dutchguy get's pissed of. :-)
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